Total Humans: 2 | Unused Humans: 2 | Money: 1000

Available Facilities

Reproduction Chamber


Placing even-numbered groups of humans in this chamber generally results in some population growth. Occasionally, humans refuse to reproduce, and emerge from the chamber as rude humans, which taste terrible and are difficult to farm.

Epicurean Hall


Gargelmaxian palates deserve a truly hearty meal. This facility produces various food ingredients approved by the GFDA: cooking oils, milled meats, calicum supplements, flavorings, and so on.

Isolation Chamber


This chamber prevents human socialization and limits sensory input. We find that after some time in this environment, most humans become more obedient to our commands. (Regrettably, no human process has a perfect success rate.)

a game by cassandra lugo (programming) and laura michet (writing), made for ludum dare 56. this version has fixes and additional content; play the original jam version at